
Excuses, excuses...

How many excuses do you hear on a daily basis? I would bet that if you counted how many times you either hear an excuse or make up an excuse, you would be quite surprised.

tr.v. ex·cused, ex·cus·ing, ex·cus·es
To explain (a fault or an offense) in the hope of being forgiven or understood: He arrived late and excused his tardiness in a flimsy manner. To apologize for (oneself) for an act that could cause offense: She excused herself for being late.

I'm just as much at fault as anyone, and I'm probably more prone to making excuses because I often feel misunderstood. In my opinion, to present an excuse to be understood is reasonable, but what about the excuses that are just a slap in the face? In working my day job at a large corporation, I hear excuses all the time. It's actually entertaining at times, but it can get a bit old when people get lazy and just use the same excuse over and over, all the while thinking that you're going to "forgive" them. This is common and easily overlooked, but the "slap in the face" excuse is what prompted me to write on this particular topic.

I've worked at the same company for several years, and in asking for a raise or even fair compensation, I have received the same type of response. To give just a bit of background, I have colleagues with the same title as I, who's compensation is 20% more than mine. They might have a few years of experience on me, but I have more responsibilities. The song and dance I get is (to paraphrase), "We recognize that your salary is an issue and agree that it is something that needs to be taken care of, but at this time, the firm's compensation budget does not allow for us to correct this." What kind of excuse is that? That, my friends, is a slap in the face. So much so, that I've often thought about leaving the firm for other opportunities. Therein lies the problem; the opportunites are far and few between. I have a family to provide for, so I have to accept the excuses and move on through another day.

Rant finished.

Have a great day!


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